Sunday, May 25, 2008

Our Summer So Far

Summer is supposed to be relaxing, but so far ours has been kind of busy. Last weekend, we headed to Fort Worth to go to Brian's cousin, Megan's graduation. We had to make a quick trip, but we had so much fun as a family. Both David and Nathan did incredible during the graduation and were rewarded with time hanging out in the freezing cold hotel pool. We also went to the cemetery where Brian's aunt was buried and the boys left flowers on her grave. Then we headed out to the National Cemetery where Brian's uncle is buried and Brian and David put flowers on his grave. Nathan was asleep and my motto is to never ever wake up Nathan unless we absolutely have to.

I will admit that sitting in the van watching Brian and David at Chuck's grave was very touching. Brian bent down and was telling David things, and I could just tell they were having a pretty earnest conversation. It was one of those moments that I was beyond thankful for the daddy that my boys have.

The rest of our summer vacation has been filled with playing outside, cleaning out the boys' rooms and closets, and dealing with a mysterious, itchy and contagious rash! David and Brian have both had some crazy itchy rash that has nearly put us all in a mental hospital. Can I just say that David is definitely not the best patient in the world? (And that is truly an understatement!)

Nathan, on the other hand, has just been busy being Nathan. One day he was in the backyard playing. I glanced around the yard trying to find him and couldn't see him anywhere. I looked up in the tree house, and he wasn't there. I was starting to worry when I looked up and saw him sitting on the roof of the tree house wearing a football helmet. I was a little worried that if I yelled at him to get down, he might fall and take a 12 to 13 foot tumble to the ground, so I calmly told him to sit tight and I climbed into the tree house. When I got to him, I grabbed on to his leg and we had the following conversation:

Me: Nathan, what are you doing up here?

Nathan: Hanging out.

Me: Nathan, this is very dangerous.

Nathan: No, it isn't. It is safe. I am wearing a helmet.

Me: Well, it is against the rules.

Nathan: Whose rule is that?

Me: Dad's.

Nathan: (sighing) Okay, I will get down.

All I can say is "Oh my!"

Friday, May 09, 2008

What You Do on a Date

One night at supper while Brian's mom was at our house, David told Brian and me that we should go on a date. I asked David and Nathan what we were supposed to do on a date and here is what we were told:

1. Go to the hardware store and look at tools.

2. The boy is supposed to get the girl presents like a skirt that says I love you.

3. Kiss.

4. Drive around for a long time.

5. Kiss some more.

Well, Brian's mom was sweet enough to watch the boys so we could go on a date, but we didn't make it to the hardware store. Brian brought me flowers, but I did not get a skirt with I love you on it. He took me out to eat, and then we went to see The Bucket List at the cheap theater in town. We wrapped up the night with a cup of coffee at one of the local coffee shops and a good discussion about what would be on our own bucket lists. Let's just say that after we compared lists I was reminded how much opposites attract. :)

Thursday, May 01, 2008

Surviving April

That title sounds kind of desperate, doesn't it? April has been a bit of a tough month. We have watched and cried while people we care about have hurt this month. We said goodbye to a wonderful aunt, who died in an accident at the age of 49. It just hasn't been one of those months you look back on and think "This is the best month of my life!"

However, it has also been a very blessed month. I think that all four of us have grown so much this month. We have been stretched. We have been pulled. We have been tested in so many different ways, and through it all, our great God has walked with us. He has walked in front of us guiding us. He has walked next to us holding our hands. He has even picked us up and carried us. He has opened our eyes a little wider this month. He has opened our hearts a lot wider. He has showered the great blessing of perseverance and you can't persevere without gaining some new character traits.

In spite of the times where we have cried, we have also laughed and laughed and laughed. I thank God every day for the sweet boys He has given to us. They make us shake our heads at times, but they also teach us so much about life, about love, and about God.

I usually use this blog to share funny stories and to share a glimpse into our crazy world. However, it has just been hard to share the funny stuff because I have not wanted to trivialize what has been going on in my heart. I wish I could share all the details of everything we have seen this month and all I have learned, but I just can't. However, I can share that I love our youth group kids as if they were our own. I hurt when the families I love hurt. I have grieved over the loss of a wonderful sister in Christ from church and two special who was so tragically taken from this life much too early and one who peacefully left to meet God after a long life. Most of all, God has shown Himself to me daily in so many different ways, and I could not ask for any more than that.

I pray for God's blessings over all of you today on this beautiful day of a brand new month!