I dropped David off at Luke's sister's softball game, and Nathan about had a cow when David drove off in another car. He was quite perplexed that anyone else would take his big brother away, but that didn't last too long. Pretty soon he was asking if David could stay with Luke for a week!
David was really nervous about his first sleep-over at someone else's house. We have had some friends stay at our house before, but I think he was kind of scared about the unknown; however, Luke lives out in the country, and David was thoroughly excited to see what country life is like. He was not disappointed. Here is a list of all the things he did (directly from David):
1. He got to watch Luke feed the chickens.
2. Their dog had puppies, so he watched Luke's big brother retrieve them from under the porch. Four of the puppies had died, so they all went to the creek to toss them in so the birds wouldn't eat them.
3. He played air hockey.
4. They had an underwear fight. (Don't ask! I have no idea.)
5. They had a nerf gun fight.
6. They had millions of wasps in their house and one landed on his back and went down his leg, but Luke's brother shot it off with a nerf gun.
7. They played with Legos.
8. They slept.
9. They went to a carnival to kick off the area wide Vacation Bible School. (David told me he only got lost once!)
They ended up the sleep-over by going to the birthday party of twins from their class at school, and I picked him up there.
The funny thing is that I got David's version, but then I also got Tish's version of the night too. David has this habit of asking A LOT of questions when he is nervous, and this night was no exception. All I can say is POOR TISH! She assures me that he was fine, but he peppered her with questions the whole time. He also was quite a little back seat driver for her. In spite of being nervous of the unknown, he had a blast.

David and Luke at the end of school, Kindergarten reception
This past Thursday, I got a phone call from the mom of another boy from David's class (Jalen). She said both of her boys were having a few boys over to spend the night and wondered if David could come. David was excited to get spend the night again at someone's house, so he joined in on the crew. When he got home, he said that they watched four movies and that he learned a new trick. He put his hands to his mouth and made what he calls a "tooting noise". Now I know what happens when you get 6 boys together for a night of fun! :)
They also played outside and had a gunfight. They played Nintendo. They rode bikes and scooters. And then spent a lot more time making tooting noises!
David had fun at both sleep-overs, and I am guessing that this year will be full of requests to have friends spend the night at our house.