Trisha tagged me several days ago, and here is my attempt at getting caught up! I have to answer the following questions with one word answers and nominate 10 other blogs for the "I heart your blog" award. Here goes...
1. Where is your cell phone? One word???? How do you say "I left it on my desk at work" in one word???? Okay here goes.....Work.
2. Where is your significant other? Work
3. Your hair color? Brown
4. Your mother? Amazing
5. Your father? Gone
6. Your favorite thing? Home
7. Your dream last night? Frightening
8. Your dream/goal? Self-growth
9. The room you're in? Living
10. Your hobby? Kids
11. Your fear? Failure
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? Happy
13. Where were you last night? Driving
14. What you're not? Super-model
15. One of your wish-list items? shoes
16. Where you grew up? Everywhere
17. The last thing you did? Email
18. What are you wearing? Clothes
19. Your TV? Off
20. Your pet? None
21. Your computer? Frustrating
22. Your mood? Intense
23. Missing someone? Grandpa
24. Your car? Dirty
25. Something you're not wearing? Shoes
26. Favorite store? Target
27. Your summer? Hot
28. Love someone? Brian
29. Your favorite color? Red
30. When is the last time you laughed? Today
31. Last time you cried? Yesterday
For the record, this was kind of hard. I kept wanting to explain why I answered things a certain way. Sometimes, I had more than one answer for the question, and I wanted to put both down.
Okay....I am not going to tag anyone. If you want to do it, then you consider yourself tagged by me.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Getting Caught Up
I know. I know. I always say that I am going to stay up to date, and then I continue to post nothing for a month. I have had so many stories tucked away that I want to share, but I just haven't logged on to do it. I haven't even spent much time reading blogs lately either. I am not going to make any promises for future posts this time, but I will try to share the funny and cute stories a little more often. After you read this post, you can get caught up with some new pictures from Grandparents' Day, soccer, and the zoo.
I do have to share a funny prayer story with you. The boys were saying prayers a couple of night ago before bed, and in his prayer, David said, "God it will be so great to see You on Your throne by the River of Life." When it was Nathan's turn to pray, he didn't want to be left out and said, "God, we will see You at the Nile River." Then the next night, Nathan got the name of the river right, but he said, "When we get to Heaven, we will go swimming in the River of Life and I hope there is not a waterfall."
I do have to share a funny prayer story with you. The boys were saying prayers a couple of night ago before bed, and in his prayer, David said, "God it will be so great to see You on Your throne by the River of Life." When it was Nathan's turn to pray, he didn't want to be left out and said, "God, we will see You at the Nile River." Then the next night, Nathan got the name of the river right, but he said, "When we get to Heaven, we will go swimming in the River of Life and I hope there is not a waterfall."
Grandparents' Day!
October 17th was Grandparents' Day at the boys' school. My mom has never been able to come visit during the school year because she was teaching; however, she retired this past May and got to spend the week with us. She got to watch the boys perform in a program and then got to go to their classrooms. Here are some pictures of the boys during Grandparents' Day.

Nathan and his friend Sienna going into their classroom
Nathan and his friend Sienna going into their classroom
Even though it was a super busy week, it was a lot of fun having my mom here. She and I got to spend a day in Little Rock Christmas shopping and also had some time to sit down and talk in person. My mom and I are close, and I always cherish the time I get to spend with her.
Grandparents' Day ended with another special surprise. My best friend and college roommate came to town for a few hours, so we got to spend some time catching up. I love seeing Cindy, and even though she only lives a couple of hours away, we just don't see each other as often as we should. So, that was a great way to end the night.
What Do You Want to Be When You Grow Up?
Nathan's class was discussing what they wanted to be when they grow up, and they got to go to school dressed as a person in that profession the day before Grandparent's Day. Mrs. Wells asked us to direct our kids towards real professions rather than superheroes. After finding out that he could not be Batman or a Jedi, Nathan decided that he wanted to be an eye doctor. I know a lot of eye doctors wear dress clothes with a white lab coat, but I thought it would be a whole lot easier to make scrubs. Thankfully, Grandma Sandy was here to actually make the scrubs for us because they look so much better than what they would have looked like if I had sewn them. He also took an eye chart and an eye cover thing-a-ma-bob as props.
He was quite proud of his costume and seemed to have a lot of fun on career day! Thanks Grandma Sandy!!

He was quite proud of his costume and seemed to have a lot of fun on career day! Thanks Grandma Sandy!!
More Soccer Pictures
Soccer is officially over. David had another great game two Saturdays ago. He scored 5 goals (although he claims it was 6 goals). I have a few videos that I will try to edit and post them online so you can watch the boy in action. He is fast and has great control of the ball. It is amazing how much he has improved since the beginning of the season.
Nathan has also improved since the first game. He almost scored in the past two games, which is a pretty big deal for him. I can't say that Nathan is a natural at soccer, but he is a scrappy player and has no fear of getting in the middle of the pack to kick the ball.
Both boys had good coaches and we are thankful that they will get to have the same coaches in the spring.
Nathan has also improved since the first game. He almost scored in the past two games, which is a pretty big deal for him. I can't say that Nathan is a natural at soccer, but he is a scrappy player and has no fear of getting in the middle of the pack to kick the ball.
Both boys had good coaches and we are thankful that they will get to have the same coaches in the spring.
The boys together after their games
David headed down the field
David about to score a goal
Nathan, Jaxson & Canon doing a belly buster after Jaxson scored a goal
Nathan throwing in the ball
Getting ready for a kick-off
Zoo Pictures
Nathan's class had a field trip to the zoo, and since it was on a day I was teaching, Brian got to go with him. I missed getting to be a part of the field trip, but I loved how excited Nathan was about getting to experience it with his daddy. I think his daddy kind of enjoyed the time too. Here are some "classic" Nathan pictures from the trip.

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