Friday, January 13, 2006

Jesus Come Down!

Going to church with our two boys is always an adventure. You know how you see the cute little family with the little kids who sit quietly through church and color in their sweet little coloring books and look all angelic as they listen to the preacher from the age of 18 months. Well, not in this family! Our row looks more like a bomb has exploded with the ever changing out of toys to occupy the boys or an occasional fight over a toy which leads to Brian and I whispering (you know the parental whisper that includes unintelligible words and accidental spitting every now and again) threats of removing them from church to "talk" to them.

While David is usually pretty tame during church and usually only has to be reminded that he needs to quietly act out his great stories with his sticker people or toys that he has brought to church, Nathan is just plain loud. He likes for people to know what he is thinking and prefers to do it in a semi-yell volume. Before prayers, I generally pray that God show mercy on us and put it on the heart of the person praying to end his prayer quickly. The reason I do this is because of the fact that Nathan will try to end the prayer for the person if it goes a little longer than he thinks it should. At the beginning of the prayer, he will bow his head and fold his hands and will even look like one of those angelic kids I talked about earlier. Then, he begins to get a little restless. Pretty soon, in a loud voice, he starts saying, "In Jesus' name we pray, Amen!" He says it over and over until the prayer ends or he is "removed" from church.

One other story stands out as the best prayer moment though. Somebody was praying, and Nathan was diligently listening to the prayer. The man thanked God for Jesus coming down to earth to die for us, etc, and Nathan begins yelling, "COME DOWN JESUS! JESUS COME DOWN!"

Imagine the horror! Imagine the stares! was more like... imagine the laughter. As the parent you are supposed to hold it together and shush the loud child, but all I could do was get extremely tickled and try my best to get him quiet without him seeing how funny I thought the whole thing was.

Oh, he may be loud, but he is a great kid. By the time he graduates from high school, he may be able to sit quietly through church. Until then, he will provide me with some good posts and a good laugh (when he's not around!).


Anonymous said...

That one had me laughing out loud! Maybe he was just verbalizing what others were thinking....? Love your blog! ss

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

okay, I didn't think it was THAT great of a comment...just didn't think it was working when I clicked on it, so continued to click. Oops.

stacey said...

You might be on to something! I know I would have been a little relieved if Jesus would have come down and swooped me away from the scene he was causing! :-)

When I learn how to delete a comment, I will try to get rid of those repeats. This blog thing is a learning experience in technical savviness. I will probably have to have one of the kids help me figure it out! :-)

Thanks for the comment!

Anonymous said...

Nathan reminds me of his mother when she was about that

Anonymous said...

As busy as Nathan is, he is paying attention to the speaker.

stacey said...

Nathan pays attention to EVERYTHING!! :-) (Except mom and dad when they want him to do something! lol!)