Monday, January 23, 2006

Wedding Shoes

So last night, David was asked to be the ring bearer in a wedding. Rachel, a girl that has graduated out of our youth group and is very special to us, stopped by with her fiance to ask him to be in the wedding. I knew about it already and was really excited because David thinks weddings are really cool. Of course, when you expect this grand event, something else always happens. David was being shy and laughing hysterically about everything and anything. Brandon, the fiance, must have thought, "What have we done?" I kept promising things like "He'll be a year older" and "In public he usually isn't this spastic." But all in all, it was a really neat moment, and it reminded me of the wedding shoes story.

We were in a shoe store about 6 months ago. Brian was trying on shoes, and the boys were getting restless. So, the boys and I started walking through the store. We were looking at the women's shoes, and David saw some that were these silver, sparklie high heel shoes. He was very excited and said, "Look mom, you can get these and wear them when you get married." (Now remember I am walking through the store with two small children and people's ears started perking up and they started staring at us.)

So, I say, "David, I already am married." He responds with, "Who are you married to mom?" (Now EVERYONE in earshot distance is staring.) I say, "David, I am married to Daddy. We have been married for a long time!" He says, "Oh yeah, I forgot. Do I have to get married someday?" I said, "You will probably find a girl that you want to marry someday." He responds with, "I don't know about that." He is quiet for a few minutes and then says, "Charissa told me that she was going to marry me." And in a very dejected voice said, "I guess I better go find some shoes to wear when I get married."

I am not sure what it is about getting married and buying shoes that stick out in his little mind. It may have something to do with having watch Cinderella a bunch of times at Grandma Sandy's house during the week of the mission trip to Ogallala. Whatever it is, the boy thinks it is very important to have really nice shoes for a wedding, so we will probably have to go shopping before the wedding next December and pick out some really nice shoes.

And on a side note: the Ring Bearer at our wedding was named David too. Isn't that kind of neat?


Anonymous said...

Stace, This is a wonderful keepsake you are doing!! Wish I would have written down all the things that went on when the kids were smaller-----------I really enjoy reading them. ~~Love ya, A Judy

stacey said...

A. Judy, I am glad you are reading this. I know you don't really get to see my kids very often and haven't gotten a chance to get to know them very well. Hopefully this will let you get to know them a little better! Love - stace